Strength + Vision
Total Performance Classes
Strength & Conditioning + Neuro-Visual Training
This is our top program. The Total Performance Classes incorporate every aspect of training in order to be a completely dynamic athlete. Our coaches will guide you through workouts that are specific to you, your sport, and position. Training includes the following:
Speed & Agility
Speed kills! The problem is most athletes have never been taught proper running form. Developing optimal mechanics, training foot quickness and the ability to change directions are critical to sports performance
Explosive Power
Explosiveness is the body’s ability to produce maximal force in the least amount of time. It’s the most crucial skill for jumping higher, accelerating faster and increasing velocity for any movement
Increased Strength
Stronger muscles, tendons and ligaments allow the body to produce more force during any movement. More force helps translate to more power in each and every swing, kick, stride, throw, jump, etc.
Coordinated movements are a result of improved neuromuscular control. When we workout we’re not just training the muscles of the body, we’re also training the brain to coordinate those movements in order to move more efficiently
Injury Prevention
Staying injury-free is vital to being a successful athlete in both short & long term. Practicing proper form, correcting muscle imbalances, strengthening tissues and increasing flexibility are critical to remaining healthy.
Hard work and improved physical skills translate into more confidence to consistently make big plays. Confidence is KEY! But it’s hard to be confident if your skills stay the same as the competition gets better and better.
Eye-Hand/Foot Coordination
Exceptional eye-hand and eye-foot coordination allows you to put your body in the right place at the right time to make more elite-level plays. The eyes have to work before the hand/foot, so we fine tune your eyes and the coordination with the body.
There are different kinds of awareness. Peripheral Awareness, Depth Awareness, Spatial Awareness and Awareness of multiple objects at once. All of which are critically important to your ability to consistently perform at a high level and avoid injuries.
Focus & Concentration
There are muscles that control your eyes that allow them to focus at different distances. In sports you need to focus in the distance and in school you need to focus up close. Enhancing these focusing muscles will help you stay focused late in the game and allow you to read/study for longer periods of time without fatigue or headaches.
Decreased Concussions
Injury prevention is an important benefit of neuro-visual training. Concussion rates have been significantly reduced by major collegiate football programs as a result of neuro-visual training. This is mainly due to raised peripheral awareness and the ability to react quicker, making it easier to avoid unforeseen contact in team sports.

Recognition Speed
Improve how quickly you can see, understand and react to the information you receive. In sports, this is almost all visual. Improve your recognition of target spin, speed and trajectory. Anticipate openings in the defense & open teammates quicker, so that you can make great plays. Making a great play starts with your ability to recognize what’s going on. Speed kills! Not just running speed… Sensory Speed! If you’re slow to recognize, you’re already behind.
Decision Making & Reaction Time
Better brain processing skills allows for less mistakes, more consistent high-level play, faster reaction time and more productivity in sports and school. Training your arms and legs to move fast doesn’t improve reaction time, it improves movement time. To really improve reaction time you have to see it, process it, and decide faster. The best athletes make the best decisions in the least amount of time.