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Your Burning Questions Answered
We work with athletes of all sports, and it helps them all. If you use your eyes during your sport then the Sensory Speed programs can help your performance. If you use your body to run, jump, throw, hit, pass, etc then the Sensory Speed programs can help your performance. Think about your sport and what information you need your eyes to tell you in order to react. Archery, Auto Racing, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Boxing, Cricket, Dirt Bike, Fencing, Field Hockey, Football (American), Golf, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Motocross, Rugby, Shooting, Soccer, Softball, Table Tennis, Tactical Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo, eSports, etc. There are certain sports that are more visually demanding than others. There are also certain skills that are more important for certain sports. The sports that involve high speed objects or hitting precise targets require more fine tuned focusing skills. Other sports that have a bunch of moving pieces require more awareness. But no matter what sport you play it takes a combination of multiple different Neuro-Visual skills to play at the highest level.
Yes. 100%
The human body is an amazing thing. It is always changing and developing new skills, habits, and knowledge. The human body has the ability to adapt to its surrounding and the stressors put on it. With that basic understanding of the human body, it’s not hard to see how stressors put on the eyes and brain can change their abilities. Too much stress causes everything to get worse. But just enough stress causes enhanced abilities. If you follow the training program the way it is set up, consistently completing your workouts on a weekly basis, then yes, it will work and you will improve your neuro- visual skills. But, you have to do the work! This isn’t some magical program that will make all of your dreams come true just by signing up. You have to commit to your goals and the program. If you do that you will improve.
That’s great! Those with and without correction (contacts/glasses) can participate in our facility training sessions. If you don’t use correction, then your eyes might be in relatively good shape and see clearly. But it does NOT mean you have superior functional vision skills. In our program you will be tested and trained on skills that you have probably never tested/trained before.
This all depends on how frequently you’re training. Some see results in a few weeks, others it takes a month or 2. This depends on your physical and/or visual situation at the beginning of the program and your dedication to the program.
For example, someone who has a significant eye-teaming issue could notice a change almost immediately simply by bringing awareness to an aspect of their vision. Someone who has above average vision skills might notice small improvements over a few weeks. One scenario is not better than the other. Improvements are improvements. If you are at the top of your game, then a small improvement is actually a big step.
Physical Improvements are usually noticed within the first month of training.